NSW HSC Visual Arts Course – Certificate III

This course is available for NSW School Students from Year 9 and onwards.  It provides;

  • Up to 4 HSC Unit Credits, PLUS
  • Attainment of Certificate III & IV Units of Competency in Visual Arts  under the Australian Qualifications Framework, PLUS
  • Guaranteed entry to the Diploma of Visual Arts course at Sydney Art School
  • Eligibility for VET Student Loans (VSL)  for Academic Suitability Criteria
  • Eligibility for entry into Australian universities such as UNSW Art & Design, Western Sydney University & Australian Catholic University (once Certificate IV is completed).


CUA31115 Certificate III in Visual Arts PLUS

CUA41314 Certificate IV in Visual Arts


Visual Arts & Contemporary Craft

43763 — Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft (240 indicative hours)


Certificate III & IV


Arts & Design


Part Time: 1 day per week over 2 or 3 years*

Full Time: 2  days per week over 1 year*

*4 x 8 week terms per year


Part Time: $1500 per term

Full Time: $2200 per term


Hornsby,  Baulkham Hills


Diploma of Visual Arts  OR

Entry to Bachelor degree in aligned course at Australian universities


For NSW school students in Years 9–12 the Sydney Art School Certificate III & IV in Visual Arts course is ‘dual accredited’ with the HSC

This means that students receive recognition towards their school qualification (Record of School Achievement or HSC), as well as nationally recognised Vocational & Educational Training (VET) qualifications.

The Certificate III in Visual Arts is a Stage 6 Vocational & Educational Training (VET) Board of Studies Endorsed Course.  Students can receive recognition for up to 4 HSC Units.  For more information see the NSW Education Standards Authority – Stage 6 VET Board Endorsed Course – Visual Arts & Contemporary Craft Certificate III

Course options

43762 — Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft (120 indicative hours)
Pattern of study: 2 units x 1 year

Enter this NESA course number for either Year 11 (Preliminary) or Year 12 (HSC) on Schools Online.

43763 — Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft (240 indicative hours)
Pattern of study: 2 units x 2 years

Enter this NESA course number for both Year 11 (Preliminary) and Year 12 (HSC) on Schools Online.

Learning Modes

Learning is conducted with face-to-face and online options. The preferred learning mode is studio-based face-to-face learning.  However, online participation is also permitted in the following studio sessions and recorded content is made available to enrolled students.

Day Time Online Studio Session Options
Tuesdays: 0930 – 1100 Professional Practice
Thursdays: 1100 – 1245 Assessment Tutorial Session
Thurdsays: 1730 – 1900 HSC Visual Arts Tutoring
Saturdays: 0900 – 1100 Watercolours
Saturdays:  1100 – 1300 Drawing Skills
Saturdays: 1300 – 15000 Painting

Early commencement by Students in Years 9 and 10

In certain circumstances students in Years 9 and 10 (Stage 5) may access Stage 6 VET courses.

For more information see the Guidelines for Access to Vocational & Educational Training (VET) Courses by Students in Years 9 and 10 advised by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). 

Entry into Diploma of Visual Arts Studies

On completion of a Certificate III in Visual Arts, students will be invited to enter the Diploma program which provides a pathway option into arts or design based courses at most Australian Universities.  

More Details about Certificate III & IV Courses 

Certificate III & IV in Visual Arts

Entry Requirements
